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Asedie advocates for the opening and access to public sector information in Spain, promoting the transformation of data into value-added products and services that boost the data economy and facilitate decision-making.

It is the reference point between the public administrations, that manage data of interest, the leading companies that capture structured and unstructured data, the providers that enrich, contrast, clean and normalize the various information sources and public records that allow for predictive model development and data-driven solutions, and the local and European regulators.

Our associates supply raw information and provide marketing products, or business management systems (CRM, ERP, risk management, Compliance, KYC, etc.), predictive models and advanced analytics solutions, in which artificial intelligence is a key element in the data into knowledge transformation.

We are committed to improving global commercial traffic security and to the fight against money laundering. We know that having accurate and up-to-date information on the beneficial owner is a key piece in this fight. Our associates have access, through agreements, to the Beneficial Ownership Database to facilitate regulatory compliance by obligated subjects, thus contributing to the necessary security in commercial transactions.

Through collaboration and the Action Protocols established with the Public Sector, Asedie defends the interests of its associates and transfers their needs to the public organizations and institutions at all levels.